April 29, 2020 Virtual Workout

DAILY CHALLENGE: How do you deal with you nerves going in to competition? Post any pre-meet, before event routines that you do to prepare for that moment under pressure :)

Warm up


Below is the core workout for today. Watch all the way through once first while stretching to make sure you know each thing.

  • Stop as little if possible, if at all!

  • You’ve done this before, is it better?


This first video of punching drills will show each of the drills you should be doing. If you can SAFELY set up a “mat setup” similar to this one please do. If you cannot do that without the risk of rolling ankles, do each of these drills exactly the same way, just without the incline up on to the mats. Here is a list of the numbers you should do of each drill from start to finish, check on the video to keep along with each drill, as the written description will not be very descriptive.

  • Starting legs together, punch to feet shoulder width apart on high releve and punch feet back together. Holding the releve for 3 seconds on the legs apart.

    • 2 Sets of 30

  • After the first set with a pause in the releve, do another 2 sets of 30 of this same drill but punching through both of the feet together and legs apart. No pausing.

  • Stepping off of one foot jump forward and punch through the toes to land back to the mat. (Again if you have no mat do the same motions and punch backward, you just won’t go up as much)

    • 2 Sets of 30

  • Same thing stepping backward off and punching forward back up to the mat.

    • 2 Sets of 30

  • Alternating feet and punching

    • 2 Sets of 30

  • Stepping off of one foot to the side, punching back up to the mat sideways

    • 2 Sets of 30 on one side

    • 2 Sets of 30 on the other side

  • Handstand snap downs. If you don’t have something to work as this height, do if from the ground, and or as high as you can find.

    • Do not do these in a row, focus on the punching position.

    • 20 Total

The next portion of this vault leg workout is below. The list of numbers is written below, refer to the video for more detail on what the drill should look like. IGNORE the numbers she is saying in the video, yours are different.

  • 1st Kicking drill laying on the ground feet up on a mat (a bed or couch would work great)

    • 30 Kicks with the right leg

    • 30 Kicks with the left leg

  • Shoulder on the raised surface, grabbing one leg in tuck and jumping off of the leg on the floor

    • 2 Sets of 15 Right leg up

    • 2 Sets of 15 Left leg up

  • Back foot up on raised surface (like in a arabesque or scale) Jump the standing leg up to a tuck

    • 3 Sets of 10 right leg

    • 3 sets of 10 left leg

  • Jump forward off of raised surface to three long jumps

    • 20 total, focus on the squat position throughout

  • Sitting to raised surface single leg jumps

    • 2 Sets of 15 on right leg

    • 2 Sets of 15 on left leg

  • One foot on raised surface, stand up to jump up in a single leg tuck position on the raised surface. If it is not SAFE to jump up at the top of this jump without the risk of rolling the ankle, just stand up quickly to the single leg tuck position and then step back down

    • 3 Sets of 10 on right leg

    • 3 Sets of 10 on left leg

  • Candlestick roll back, straight jump up to raised surface

    • 3 Sets of 10

  • Candlestick roll back, straight jump up to one leg on raised surface (or just floor height if the risk of rolling ankle is to great)

    • 2 Sets of 5 on right leg

    • 2 Sets of 5 on left leg

  • Kettle bell swings (cans of soup if no don’t have weights, kettle bells, or other options)

    • 3 Sets of 20

  • Passing the weight from one hand to the other squat swings

    • 2 Sets of 10. Passing one way and back is one

  • Passing the weight around the body in circles in squat

    • 2 Sets of 10 circles right

    • 2 Sets of 10 circles left


Each of these workout will be done with 2 sets of 10. You will go through this from start to finish three times.

  • Kettle bell swings to half way, focus on flat hips and releve at the top.

  • Kettle bell swings all the way up

  • Passing the kettle bell from one hand to the next, to one hand and back is one

  • Arm swings laying down on the floor

  • Standing arm swings in releve

  • Arm swing back lifting hips

After the video workout, there are a few more things today before moving on to beam.

  • Straddle bounce up to handstand with mitts (5 sets of 10)

  • Straddle bounce up 1/2 pirouette (5 sets of 10)

  • Straddle bounce up full pirouette (5 sets of 10)

  • Straddle to handstand blind full to push up position (20 attempts total)

    • If you have the blind full it must be a successful turn to count


The video below is an ankle strengthening workout for all events, but will be the beam warm up for today. Follow along through the video for more description of each drill, you will do 10 of each of these drills.

  • First draw an X on the floor, you will do 10 of each of these. One side and back counts as one, if it’s moving in full circles a full circle counts as one.

    • Hopping from side to side

    • Hop in a circle through each box

    • Same thing in a circle the other direction

    • Single leg vertical line hop

      • Other leg

    • Single leg square

      • Other leg

    • Single leg square with arms

      • Other leg

    • Going back and forth (this is one full circle one way and then reverse and circle back. That will count as one)

      • Other leg

    • Switching foot

      • 10 circles one direction

      • 10 circles the other direction

    • Full circle on one foot, then next circle switches to the other foot. Circle one direction

      • Next set of 10 circles the other direction. One foot other foot counts as one, so technically on this last drill two circles counts as one of your 10.

These leg tightening drills you will go in the same order as the girls in the video. Your numbers will be slightly different but I am not going to list out each drill. (It likely wouldn’t make sense anyway).

  • You will do 2 sets of 4 of each of these drills. ATTENTION TO FORM AND POSTURE

  • Anything that is a hold will be for 10 seconds.

    • Once you finish the whole video, go back to the beginning and repeat through one time.


The circuit below will walk you through each drill. I will list them out, you should be able to watch it one time and then follow the list one your own.

  • Each of these circuits you will do 4 times, finishing ALL of one drill before moving on to the next. You get the SAME amount of time to rest as the time for the set you just completed.

    • 1st set 1 minute

    • 2nd set 45 seconds

    • 3rd set 30 second

    • 4th set 20 seconds

      • Mountain climbers switching legs

      • Squat jumps

        • pretend you are standing on either side of a floor beam; butt should almost touch the ground, as you jump up pull your legs together like you are jumping above the beam, then landing with feet back on either side.

      • Rebound jumps up to legs apart on mats and back down. If you don’t have mats try to still punch high, but go through the motions without a mat.

      • The punch through to front tucks obviously we can’t do front tuck. You will just do 10 VERY big arm circle punch jumps, then turn around and continue through the correct amount of time.

      • Running in place


Follow along for the ending stretch. Can’t wait to see everyone’s improved flexibility when we get back in to the gym!!! :)